Medical Centres UK


Histio UK are unable to provide direct medical opinions or give advice on individual cases.

Your GP, Consultant or medical professional can access the UK Histiocytosis Advisory Panel who are available to provide specialist consultation to your professional medical team in all areas of histiocytic neo plasms Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) & JXG, RD, ECD, DI and  the Rarer disorders.


The HiHASC Network for all Haemophagocytic Syndromes (HLH).

If you would like further assistance, please refer to your medical professional to the appropriate team.

Neither the HiHASC Network or the UK Histiocytosis Advisory Panel are available direct to patients or parents or families. They are only accessible to your medical team, who can refer your personal medical position to specialist clinicians in your histiocytic disorder.

Please be advised that all the information you read here is not a replacement for the advice and guidance you will get from your medical professional and their team.

Medical Professionals please contact the Histio UK office if you require access to the either the UK Histiocytosis Advisory Panel or HiHASC Network for further information details.


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