

What is Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH)?Siblings

Siblings have a lifelong need for information, they often experience social and emotional isolation, and have to cope with difficult situations.

What resources are there for sibling?
As part of the family siblings may be able to gain support from the group of professionals who work with the patient. They are known as a multi-disciplinary team (or MDT) and usually include nurses, social workers, play therapists and psychologists. A number of the centres also run sibling support groups.

The patients GP will be kept informed by the hospital, they can be a useful source of support for the whole family as he or she may be able to refer you for specialised support locally if needed.

Counselling can be useful and your GP may be able to refer you to a counsellor, or a child psychologist if required.

It is not always easy to find the help you need and you may need to ask a few people before you find the right support for you.

There are a number of organisations already in place that provide support, information and guidance as this is not an area of our expertise we have listed several of these.

We would welcome all siblings to our facebook groups: HistioUK – discussion or HistioChampions – celebration.

Macmillan : /Childrenscancers/Livingwithcancer /Effectsonsiblings.aspx

SuperSibs (International): /treatment/childrenandcancer /whenyourchildhascancer/childrendiagnosedwithcancerdealingwithdiagnosis/children-diagnosed-with-cancer-dealing-with-diagnosis-how-children-react

Sibling Support:


Young Siblings:
YoungSibs is for children and young people who have a brother or sister who is disabled, has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition. It is for siblings in the UK aged 6 to 17.

Adults Siblings:



Sibling Group Leaders

Please be advised that all the information you read here is not a replacement for the advice you will get from your consultant and their team.

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